Hello, Namaste, Satsriakaal, Salaam, Bonjour, Hallo!
Wait, all the words above mean the same, right? Thus, saying only one-word will also do the same work. So, don't you think I should say only that word that defines me or I'm comfortable with rather than saying all of the above?
The same goes for fashion. Why buy every other thing just because it's in trend or your friend has it and thus, you also want it or simply because you find that particular thing cute!
Vivienne Westwood said, 'Buy less, Choose well, Make it last' and I follow this completely myself as well.
According to me, buying less means buying what is actually required, something that speaks to you (trust me, the right thing really will) or something that will stay in trend for a longer duration of time. Now, I am not saying that do not follow the latest fashion trends at all. All I am saying is think about it and go for those trends that really define you.
For example, I do not like much attention but if I go and buy loads of neon coloured clothes just because they are trending, will that make sense? I might wear them once or twice because I bought them but then what? They don't go with my personality. They grab unwanted attention and that is why I won't wear them daily. Such a waste of literally everything like time, money, resources in manufacturing that, etc.
Now, choosing well and making it last goes hand in hand. Choosing what, when, and where to buy from is really important and that decision will help in making it last.
"Make It Last" does not mean keep wearing those torn clothes for the rest of your life. It means, again, THINK before investing.
A pair of jeans is worn almost every other day. So, buying a good quality pair even if you are buying one, is always better rather than investing in it after every few months just because you bought the lower quality ones for a variety. Quality my friends, not Quantity.
But like hey, if you are a billionaire and you've worked your ass off to earn, just so that one day you can buy whatever you want and whenever you want then, by all means, go ahead!
It's just that, you should plan what best fits your pocket and style.
Why I'm so fond of Vivienne Westwood's saying is because I've personally changed my wardrobe many times according to the latest fashion trends. And because of that, I lost track of my actual style. With time I realized that loving everything I already have is enough to be a part of the fashion world. I just need to be playful and experimental with my already existing wardrobe.
What helped the most for me to realize this was a single thing that I made myself do every time and that was making a list.
Now also, whenever I want to buy something I make a list rather than just going and buying it immediately. Whatever comes to my mind, I write it down, and then when I see all the things together I figure out what I really need at that point of time and what can wait.
So basically, the fashion choices you make impact your life more than you realize and not only yours but also of the people around you. Whatever you wear or buy shows how you feel about yourself. It also influences how other people see you because people build themselves by getting inspired by others. So, until and unless you yourself are not being who you are, how will the other person gain the confidence to do the same.